The capacity to face challenges by stepping outside your comfort zone is the essential way by which we develop and grow. We often are frequently hesitant and afraid to take the first step, but why. What is it that prevents us from making the desired changes?
The truth of the matter is, comfort zones are not so much about comfort, they are about dread and fear. By facing your fears head on, you will be able to overcome the challenge you are faced with and with the added benefit of developing some life skills along the way.
Why Should You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
- When you are in your comfort zone, your mind is content, your basic needs are met, you have zero pressure, and your brain perceives that your body is in status quo.
- We know that as humans we don't particularly care for change. We seem to view our life as having maxed out our energy and the mere thought of having to muster up additional energy to make a change, just seems too far out there for most of us.
- Getting out of your comfort zone every once in a while can create just enough stress to increase your focus, adaptation, creativity, pace, and drive, and it helps you react positively to life stress when unforeseen things occur.
But how should you get out of your comfort zone and what are the benefits of doing so.
Here are a few different ways to assist you with stepping out of your comfort zone and getting closer to your goals and desires.
1. Recognize What's Outside Of Your Comfort Zone
What are the things that you accept worth doing, but fear doesn’t allow you to do because of the risk of disappointment or failure?
Try this little exercise. Draw a circle and record the fears and risks outside the circle. On the inside of the circle, record your "status quo". This will give you the opportunity to examine the challenge more clearly. Ask yourself questions such as, "What benefits do I receive by staying in my comfort zone?" and "What benefits would I receive if I stepped out?" "What do I need to stop doing to be able to step out of my comfort zone?"
2. Be Clear About What You Are Aiming To Overcome
Take the exercise further by examining your fears. Keep in mind, the essential feeling you are attempting to defeat is fear.
So examine, “How does your fear apply to the situation?” Be honest with yourself when challenging your fears.
For example, if you have a fear of approaching individuals or attending social events or gatherings? Ask yourself why? And then try to find the evidence that supports your fear as truth and supports it as not truth.
3. Get Comfortable With Discomfort
One approach to get outside of your comfort zone is to acknowledge and accept that there will be some discomfort, but that the discomfort will be short lived. Go meet people, get out to social gatherings and when that fear starts to creep in, push through it for a few minutes longer. If you keep practicing this, you will begin to notice that you can tolerate it longer and longer and before you know it, you will have conquered the fear. Of course practice makes perfect.
4. Consider Failure To Be A Mentor

Huge numbers of us are so scared of disappointment that we would prefer to never really go after our dreams.
Start to regard disappointment as an instructor. What did you gain from the experience? How might you take that exercise to your next experience to build your opportunity for achievement?
Lots of successful people failed a lot of times before they succeeded.
5. Take Small Steps
Take small steps to counter the fear that lies within you. If social gatherings are difficult for you start with smaller gatherings and work your way up as you become more confident.
6. Find a Mentor
Start hanging around with the people that have the confidence and desired traits you are seeking. Ultimately you will begin to learn just by example.
7. Be Honest With Yourself While Making Excuses
Try not to state that it is not the right time to tackle this situation, instead, be straightforward and state that I am afraid to counter it.
Try not to rationalize, simply be straightforward. You will be in a much better position to go up against what is really disturbing you and increase your possibility of pushing ahead.
8. Recognize How Stepping Out Will Benefit You
Identify and recognize the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone as it will be the most rewarding thing in the world and will give you the confidence to achieve and get all those things that you desire. It will provide you with the inner peace and comfort that most of us are seeking.
9. Try Not To Take Yourself Too Seriously
Figure out how to forget and laugh at yourself when you commit errors and make mistakes. Risk taking will definitely include disappointment and mishaps that will at times make you think others are looking at you or laughing. Most of the time, this is just our inner negative thoughts getting the best of us.
10. Concentrate on the Fun
Have fun. By having fun you are exploring the positive things about you and the world around you. This helps you broaden your outlook on the world. It helps you form good positive beliefs about yourself and the people around you and the world you live in. So remember to have fun.
Last Thoughts
Stepping out of our comfort zone can be tough and scary at times, but utilizing the tips above will help you to achieve all of what life has to offer. Don’t be afraid of taking the first step, instead embrace it with a plan of action and start enjoying the things you truly want in life. The sky's the limit.