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Mindful Communication: How to Talk and Listen for Greater Mental Well-being

Mindful Communication: How to Talk and Listen for Greater Mental Well-being

We live today in an age where more and more of our communication is taking place via text rather than face-to-face. As convenient as this can be, the impersonality of electronic messaging can result in communication breakdowns and hurt feelings, not to mention that it’s far more difficult to truly connect with someone on such a surface level. Mindful communication can be a way for us to have more meaningful exchanges with others, while also helping to nurture better mental health.

Mindful communication involves both speaking and listening in a more conscious manner. This means paying attention to the words we use, the body language we’re employing, and the feelings of both parties involved. It means taking time to better understand where the other person is coming from, while also considering the broader implications of what is being said.

The Benefits of Mindful Communication

Mindful communication has the potential to increase understanding and connection between two people while decreasing miscommunication and hurt feelings. When properly practiced, mindful communication can give us a greater sense of self-awareness and empathy for others. It can bring about more openness in our conversations, allowing us to understand and see one another from multiple angles.

Mindful communication also helps us to go beyond merely conveying information. It allows us to explore deeper issues such as feelings, values, and intentions. This deeper level of communication is not only more meaningful, it often allows us to move past differences more easily and to find grounds for agreement despite differing backgrounds and perspectives.

How to Practice Mindful Communication

The first step to practicing mindful communication is to become aware of your own emotions and those of the person you’re speaking to. This means taking a few moments to check in with yourself and the other person before beginning a conversation. Check in with your physical and emotional state, and assess if the other person is in a place to be open to what you want to discuss.

In order to practice mindful communication, we must be in the present moment, rather than letting our thoughts get carried away to what might happen in the future. We should be tuning in to what the other person is saying, nonverbally as well as verbally. This means actively listening rather than immediately preparing our response or trying to formulate our own argument.

When it comes time to give our own opinion, it’s important to think before we speak. This means considering the implications of what we want to say, as well as the potential reaction it might evoke. It’s also important to make sure that we’re speaking from the heart rather than from a place of judgment and fear. If necessary, take time to pause and collect your thoughts before responding.


Mindful communication has the potential to bring greater understanding and connection between people, while promoting improved mental well-being. Practicing mindful communication involves taking time to pay attention to both our own emotions and those of the person we are speaking with. Additionally, it’s important to think before speaking and to strive for openness in our conversations. With mindful communication, we can have more meaningful and successful conversations both with those we’re close to and with strangers.

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